Police Community Relations

The Problem:

Each year, thousands of African-American and Hispanic residents of Palm Beach County experience “investigatory” stops for minor things like rolling stop, failure to signal a turn or lane change, light too dim on the license plate, or sticker in the wrong place on the license place. These stops are more about the desire to investigate the driver and their passenger(s). In many stories, members are often asked questions like “whose car is this?” or “what are you doing in this area?”. People of color feel targeted, leading to growing mistrust of the police.

Proven Solution:

Law enforcement agencies cannot adequately address this problem because they lack the data showing what is actually happening. It is a national best practice to collect and analyze data on ALL traffic stops – including the race and ethnicity of the person and why they were stopped.

Our Ask:

That’s why PEACE is calling on Sheriff Ric Bradshaw to collect and analyze data on ALL traffic stops to identify and address racial profiling happening in our community.